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Art & Research
Open Letter Project (2017– )
Open Letters To Those Who Will Live In 117 n-1 Years (2020 – )
Open Letter Workshop (2019)
Open Letter to Those Who Will Live in A Hundred Years (2017-2020)
Listening to the Stones / Den Steinen zuhören (2021-23)
Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Dresden (2021-22)
Exhibition video documentation
Listening to the Stones – ebook
Art and Measurement (2012-)
Publication: Towards (Im)Measurability of Art and Life (2017)
Each Line Is A Crime (2018)
Each Line Is A Crime (2018) – video
Dialogues between Artists and Scientists (2013-2014)
Jan. 23, 2014 Aesthetics of Measurement
Jan. 15, 2014 Epistemology of Measurement
Dec. 11, 2013 Politics of Measurement
Presentations and Readings (2013)
6: Rise and Fall of ‘Measurement’ in the Social Sciences
5: Body as Three Dimensional Tool for Maesuring Invisibles
4: Believe in Numbers? – Numbers Perform
3: Suggestions for The Meantime—An Archive of Possibilities
2. Measurement in the Field of Contemporary Art (postponed)
1: Measuring is Knowing
Amateurism (2008-2012)
AMATEURISM! – Heidelberg(2012)
Heike Bollig
Jan Bünnig
Luis Camnitzer
Sister Corita
Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys
Heike Klussmann & Bau Kunst Erfinden
Toru Koyamada
Annette Krauss
Hwayeon Nam
Toshiko Okanoue
Lucy Powell
Jewyo Rhii
Begleitprogramm (accompanying program)
Labour of Love – Revisited, Seoul (2011)
Berit Nørgaard
Hojun Song
Hwayeon Nam
Javier Téllez
John Chors
Mary Mattingly
Matthew Bladley
Nico Nico Doga
cinéma copains / Minze Trummensheit & Arne Hector
Moriz Fehr
Nobuaki Date
Suntag Noh + 85 of 85 project
Toru Koyamada
Letters Collection contributed by Museum of Jurassic Technology
D.i.Y. (Do it Yourself) in Contemporary Culture – Seminar on Amateur at Copenhagen University (2010)
Tag the World! – Workshop on Amateurism, Freie University (2010)
Rethinking the Amatuer – Field Research on Amatuer in Korea (2009)
Sharing as Caring (2012-)
Sharing as Caring 7: The End of the Nuclear Power Age? (2022-23)
Sharing as Caring 6: trans-Affects: Stories, Life and Landscapes (2018)
Sharing as Caring: Workshop (2017)
Sharing as Caring: Resonanzräume nach Fukushima (2016)
Sharing as Caring 5: Beyond Documentation (2016)
Sharing as Caring 4: Giving Form to Invisible Realities (2015)
Sharing as Caring 3: Heidelberg- Fukushima Shiori Project -part 2- (2014)
Sharing as Caring 2: Heidelberg- Fukushima Shiori Project -part 1- (2013)
Sharing as Caring 1: Presence for the Future (2012)
Formate des Wir: nGbK Project (2013)
On Mobile Telephony (2002-2010)
Dresden (2010)
Melton Prior Institut
Maria Theresa Alves
Joëlle de La Casinière
Jan Caspers, Anne König & Jan Wenzel
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann und Christian von Borries
Jimmie Durham
William Engelen
Laura Horelli
Annette Krauss
Sigit Pius Kuncoro
Dirk Lange
Tony Oursler
Erwin Stache
Tanja Nellemann Poulsen
Annika Ström
Barthélémy Toguo
Rikki Wemega-Kwawu
Thilo Fröbel / with Sebastian Bellmann, Erik Niemz, Stefan Schille, Manuel Siegert, Roald Sorms, Ronny Voß
Takashi Murakami
Text message poetry – Roman Israel, Moritz 7, Stefan Seyfarth
Accompanied program
Lund (2006)
Rimini Protokoll “Call Cutta” (2005) 1/2
Rimini Protokoll “Call Cutta” (2005) 2/2
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann “Atlas on Monopoly-like Productions” and on “The Coltan Case” (2005)
Judith Hopf & Katrin Pesch “The Uninvited” (2005)
Annette Krauss “Hidden Curriculum“ (2006)
Hiroharu Mori “Marching Exercise” (2005)
Leif Holmstrand “Tokyo Dream” (2006) 1/2
Leif Holmstrand “Tokyo Dream” (2006) 2/2
Poetry: Peder Alexis Olsson “Tiara jaw” (“Käken som diadem”) (2005)
Jonas Brun “Transmitter” (2006)
Maria Thereza Alves “Almost There” (2006)
Jimmie Durham “A Telephone Call” (2006)
Takashi Murakami “Superflat Monogram” (2003)
Pius Sigit Kuncoro “Fasten the Seatbelt” (2004)
Bangkok (2005)
Annika Ström 1/2
Annika Ström 2/2
Bundith Phunsombatlert 1/2
Bundith Phunsombatlert 2/2
Howard Chen 1/2
Howard Chen 2/2
Manit Srivanichpoom 1/2
Manit Srivanichpoom 2/2
MayT Noijinda & David ‘futon’ (Thailand and U.K.) 1/2
MayT Noijinda & David ‘futon’ (Thailand and U.K.) 2/2
Tsang Tak-ping 1/4
Tsang Tak-ping 2/4
Tsang Tak-ping 3/4
Tsang Tak-ping 4/4
Wit Pimkanchanapong 1/2
Wit Pimkanchanapong 2/2
Wang Ya-hui 1/2
Wang Ya-hui 2/2
Chung Haessen 1/2
Chung Haessen 2/2
Shilpa Gupta 1/2
Shilpa Gupta 2/2
Surasi Kusolwong 1/3
Surasi Kusolwong 2/3
Surasi Kusolwong 3/3
Malmö (2003)
Entrance – Malmö Konstmuseum
Performance Henrik Frisk
Yellowbox 1/3
Yellowbox 2/3
Yellowbox 3/3
Anders Gustaf Ekeberg, RD Congo
Tantalum 1/2
Tantalum 2/2
Tony Oursler
Laura Horelli 1/2
Laura Horelli 2/2
Entrance – Rooseum
Annika Ström 1/3
Annika Ström 2/3
Annika Ström 3/3
Henrik Andersson 1/2
Henrik Andersson 2/2
Kay Løker
Miya Yoshida & Gertrud Sandqvist
Sofi Persson (Telia Sonera, Sweden)
Kurozumi Kichiro (Sony Ericsson, Sweden)
Leif Lönnblad (Theoretical Physics, Lund University)
Mikolo M.Sofia (right) (Researcher, Pole Institute, Goma, RD Congo)
Sarat Maharaj (right) (Visual Art and Knowledge Systems, Lund University)
Leif Salford (Dept. of Neurosurgery, Lund University) and Bertil R.R. Persson (Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University)
Nils Rydbeck (Communication Systems, Lund University)
Flatness (2002-)
Studies on Flatness (2018)
Experiment on Flatness 2002/2014
Gallery exhibitions
The 1.000.050th Birthday of Art (2013)
Maria Theresa Alves solo exibition: Stance and Happenstance (2007)
Jewyo Rhii solo show: Liegen am Han-Fluss (2007)
Water Project Diary
Miya Yoshida
Research, Curatorial Practice and Writing
Art & Research
Open Letter Project (2017– )
Open Letters To Those Who Will Live In 117 n-1 Years (2020 – )
Open Letter Workshop (2019)
Open Letter to Those Who Will Live in A Hundred Years (2017-2020)
Listening to the Stones / Den Steinen zuhören (2021-23)
Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Dresden (2021-22)
Exhibition video documentation
Listening to the Stones – ebook
Art and Measurement (2012-)
Publication: Towards (Im)Measurability of Art and Life (2017)
Each Line Is A Crime (2018)
Each Line Is A Crime (2018) – video
Dialogues between Artists and Scientists (2013-2014)
Jan. 23, 2014 Aesthetics of Measurement
Jan. 15, 2014 Epistemology of Measurement
Dec. 11, 2013 Politics of Measurement
Presentations and Readings (2013)
6: Rise and Fall of ‘Measurement’ in the Social Sciences
5: Body as Three Dimensional Tool for Maesuring Invisibles
4: Believe in Numbers? – Numbers Perform
3: Suggestions for The Meantime—An Archive of Possibilities
2. Measurement in the Field of Contemporary Art (postponed)
1: Measuring is Knowing
Amateurism (2008-2012)
AMATEURISM! – Heidelberg(2012)
Heike Bollig
Jan Bünnig
Luis Camnitzer
Sister Corita
Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys
Heike Klussmann & Bau Kunst Erfinden
Toru Koyamada
Annette Krauss
Hwayeon Nam
Toshiko Okanoue
Lucy Powell
Jewyo Rhii
Begleitprogramm (accompanying program)
Labour of Love – Revisited, Seoul (2011)
Berit Nørgaard
Hojun Song
Hwayeon Nam
Javier Téllez
John Chors
Mary Mattingly
Matthew Bladley
Nico Nico Doga
cinéma copains / Minze Trummensheit & Arne Hector
Moriz Fehr
Nobuaki Date
Suntag Noh + 85 of 85 project
Toru Koyamada
Letters Collection contributed by Museum of Jurassic Technology
D.i.Y. (Do it Yourself) in Contemporary Culture – Seminar on Amateur at Copenhagen University (2010)
Tag the World! – Workshop on Amateurism, Freie University (2010)
Rethinking the Amatuer – Field Research on Amatuer in Korea (2009)
Sharing as Caring (2012-)
Sharing as Caring 7: The End of the Nuclear Power Age? (2022-23)
Sharing as Caring 6: trans-Affects: Stories, Life and Landscapes (2018)
Sharing as Caring: Workshop (2017)
Sharing as Caring: Resonanzräume nach Fukushima (2016)
Sharing as Caring 5: Beyond Documentation (2016)
Sharing as Caring 4: Giving Form to Invisible Realities (2015)
Sharing as Caring 3: Heidelberg- Fukushima Shiori Project -part 2- (2014)
Sharing as Caring 2: Heidelberg- Fukushima Shiori Project -part 1- (2013)
Sharing as Caring 1: Presence for the Future (2012)
Formate des Wir: nGbK Project (2013)
On Mobile Telephony (2002-2010)
Dresden (2010)
Melton Prior Institut
Maria Theresa Alves
Joëlle de La Casinière
Jan Caspers, Anne König & Jan Wenzel
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann und Christian von Borries
Jimmie Durham
William Engelen
Laura Horelli
Annette Krauss
Sigit Pius Kuncoro
Dirk Lange
Tony Oursler
Erwin Stache
Tanja Nellemann Poulsen
Annika Ström
Barthélémy Toguo
Rikki Wemega-Kwawu
Thilo Fröbel / with Sebastian Bellmann, Erik Niemz, Stefan Schille, Manuel Siegert, Roald Sorms, Ronny Voß
Takashi Murakami
Text message poetry – Roman Israel, Moritz 7, Stefan Seyfarth
Accompanied program
Lund (2006)
Rimini Protokoll “Call Cutta” (2005) 1/2
Rimini Protokoll “Call Cutta” (2005) 2/2
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann “Atlas on Monopoly-like Productions” and on “The Coltan Case” (2005)
Judith Hopf & Katrin Pesch “The Uninvited” (2005)
Annette Krauss “Hidden Curriculum“ (2006)
Hiroharu Mori “Marching Exercise” (2005)
Leif Holmstrand “Tokyo Dream” (2006) 1/2
Leif Holmstrand “Tokyo Dream” (2006) 2/2
Poetry: Peder Alexis Olsson “Tiara jaw” (“Käken som diadem”) (2005)
Jonas Brun “Transmitter” (2006)
Maria Thereza Alves “Almost There” (2006)
Jimmie Durham “A Telephone Call” (2006)
Takashi Murakami “Superflat Monogram” (2003)
Pius Sigit Kuncoro “Fasten the Seatbelt” (2004)
Bangkok (2005)
Annika Ström 1/2
Annika Ström 2/2
Bundith Phunsombatlert 1/2
Bundith Phunsombatlert 2/2
Howard Chen 1/2
Howard Chen 2/2
Manit Srivanichpoom 1/2
Manit Srivanichpoom 2/2
MayT Noijinda & David ‘futon’ (Thailand and U.K.) 1/2
MayT Noijinda & David ‘futon’ (Thailand and U.K.) 2/2
Tsang Tak-ping 1/4
Tsang Tak-ping 2/4
Tsang Tak-ping 3/4
Tsang Tak-ping 4/4
Wit Pimkanchanapong 1/2
Wit Pimkanchanapong 2/2
Wang Ya-hui 1/2
Wang Ya-hui 2/2
Chung Haessen 1/2
Chung Haessen 2/2
Shilpa Gupta 1/2
Shilpa Gupta 2/2
Surasi Kusolwong 1/3
Surasi Kusolwong 2/3
Surasi Kusolwong 3/3
Malmö (2003)
Entrance – Malmö Konstmuseum
Performance Henrik Frisk
Yellowbox 1/3
Yellowbox 2/3
Yellowbox 3/3
Anders Gustaf Ekeberg, RD Congo
Tantalum 1/2
Tantalum 2/2
Tony Oursler
Laura Horelli 1/2
Laura Horelli 2/2
Entrance – Rooseum
Annika Ström 1/3
Annika Ström 2/3
Annika Ström 3/3
Henrik Andersson 1/2
Henrik Andersson 2/2
Kay Løker
Miya Yoshida & Gertrud Sandqvist
Sofi Persson (Telia Sonera, Sweden)
Kurozumi Kichiro (Sony Ericsson, Sweden)
Leif Lönnblad (Theoretical Physics, Lund University)
Mikolo M.Sofia (right) (Researcher, Pole Institute, Goma, RD Congo)
Sarat Maharaj (right) (Visual Art and Knowledge Systems, Lund University)
Leif Salford (Dept. of Neurosurgery, Lund University) and Bertil R.R. Persson (Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University)
Nils Rydbeck (Communication Systems, Lund University)
Flatness (2002-)
Studies on Flatness (2018)
Experiment on Flatness 2002/2014
Gallery exhibitions
The 1.000.050th Birthday of Art (2013)
Maria Theresa Alves solo exibition: Stance and Happenstance (2007)
Jewyo Rhii solo show: Liegen am Han-Fluss (2007)
Water Project Diary
Miya Yoshida
Joined: January 14, 2012
Articles: 0
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