

Discuss ‘The Invisible Landscapes
Symposium at Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art (Malmö)

“Discuss ‘The Invisible Landscapes’” was a 3-day symposium on mobile telephony. It was held from September 4 through 6, 2003, at Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art in Malmö, at the end of the project period. It was organized by the curator MiyaYoshida in collaboration with Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art.

It aimed at reviewing what the Mobile Phone Art Project had explored over its course of three weeks, and was to provide a forum for further discussions, with contributions by invited specialists from various professions (academics, businessmen/women, artists). The discussion touched on wide-ranging philosophical and political issues, such as surveillance, legal registration, or radiation issues, to name a few.

Each day focused on a topic that was introduced through presentations by keynote speakers. In combination with the previous parts, the symposium provided a platform, where the everyday experience of the mobile phone could be discussed alongside more specialist and abstract discourses. This final part was an opportunity for all the participants to share knowledge and experience in order to further explore an understanding of the new medium.

3-Day Symposium
Sep. 5: Can Information Be Possessed?
Sofi Persson (TeliaSonera, Sweden)
Kurozumi Kichiro (Sony Ericsson, Sweden)

Sep. 6: From Cell To Cell
Nils Rydbeck (Communication Systems, Lund University)
Leif G. Salford (Neurosurgery, Lund University)
Bertil R.R. Persson (Medial Radiation Physics, Lund University)

Sep. 7: From Cognition to Communication, and Back Again
Mikolo M.Sofia (Researcher, Pole Institute, Goma, RD Congo)
Leif Lönnblad (Theoretical Physics, Lund University)
Sarat Maharaj (Visual Art and Knowledge Systems, Lund University)